The team has been carefully crafting the airdrop with the goal of distributing GMFTM in a way that gets tokens in wallets without tanking existing price and liquidity. Here are some thoughts goals, and in this new edit - THE DETAILS.

  1. The airdrop will be vested over 6 weeks. Users will not need to claim weekly as tokens will be airdropped! Service with a smile.

  2. This helps easing new tokens into circulation for our loyal holders and helps create weekly fomo with anticipation for the next drop.

  3. With the Fantom NFT eco still small compared to other L1s many collections have holders that own large amounts of the supply. This presented an issue for an allocation per item owned. To combat this airdrop allocations are calculated by what tier you fall into. TIERS are determined not by how many items you own but by how many individual projects you are involved in. Check the list for our whitelisted DeFi and NFT projects you need to own! You can check the current list HERE.

  4. This is a colossal endeavor that no one has done on FTM yet. The idea is to create some fun, some frenzy, and develop a trading/flywheel eco for GMFTM holders. You can check the tier system/allotments HERE.

Last updated