While we work on the finishing touches on what will be week 1 of our airdrops to the Fantom NFT and DeFi communities we wanted to roll out some utility and rewards for our existing holders and for our future holders to come, here in the next weeks.

GM STACK PATROL is here make sure your GM never ends! Offering two easy ways to earn more GMFTM and at an accelerated rate.

#1 Stake GMFTM/Earn GMFTM - there will be a capped pool going live on Potluck Protocol on Monday March 20th (link and time will be distributed so watch the twitter or discord) where no LP is required to be created just stake your GMFTM! The supply allowed in the pool is capped at 260,000 GMFTM. Why capped? This ensures the pool provides a whopping 120% APY for stakers. The first pool is set for 1 month and based on the success of the program we will continue to re-up. Keep in mind GMFTM is pre-minted at 10,000,000 with no emissions so we manually load the pool with allocated GMFTM. As a community we will decide the future based on results and popularity of the staking.

#2 GMEZMODE - Are you a true GMFTM enjoyooor? What if I told you, you could earn a weekly allotment of the airdrop supply just for holding GMFTM in your wallet? For the next 8 weeks 20% of the airdrop supply will be placed into wallets of holders of 8,000 or more GMFTM. That is 700,000 GMFTM up for grabs just for hanging with us!

Needless to say, we want our early supporters to have the opportunity to earn some rewards for hopping on this train out the station. GM GMERS.

Last updated